Private Copy Coaching

Write what you’re afraid to write.
Write better.
Write faster.

you don’t have to be a writer. You just have a story to tell.


You’re a…

  • Business owner

  • New copywriter

  • Someone with a story

You know good writing when you see it. You don’t really even think about it. You read every page, devour every email, and lose track of time.

Every time you look at your writing, though, you wonder what’s missing. You stalk competitors’ sites and newsletters and even “borrow” some of their words. You try to wordsmith it to sound like you while praying no one notices, and it just falls flat.

Maybe you’re getting ready to launch a new project or rebrand your business, and you know you need to show up with a polished online presence with words that stand out, but you don’t even know where to start.

  • How do I start writing my book?

  • What’s the difference between features and benefits?

  • What do I put in a proposal to sell my services?

  • How do you sell without feeling salesy?

  • When is my website copy “done”?


Your writing could open doors.


And all in a way that feels completely, authentically you.

  • Every page of your website will speak directly to the best kind of clients. You’ll make a great first impression, and you’ll be excited to show it off.

  • You’re sending regular newsletters and you’re getting happy replies that make your day.

  • Your sales copy speaks directly to your reader’s souls. Prospects are excitedly clicking around your website, ready to sign up and buy. 

  • Your about page tells your whole fantastic story and shows off your badass experience. 

  • Your blogs are positioning you as an expert and natural choice in your industry.

  • Your books change lives

Finally, you’re proud of your writing!

The best part: You wrote it yourself — giving you foundational writing skills that will serve you for life.

Jacq has completely changed my life as the leader of the writing community and my personal mentor in the writing biz. She’s shown me that it’s possible to show up authentically yourself in your writing and in your business because that’s how she lives every day.

I came from a content marketing background and transitioned into copywriting when I met Jacq back in March 2020 — yes, the peak of a pandemic. And you know what? Through her copy skills training, thoughtful feedback, and impactful chats, I successfully transformed my website and took on my first copywriting clients just a few months later.

Participating in the writing community has helped me carve out time for my own writing in addition to client projects, reconnected me with an intuitive approach to writing, and prepared me for doing business in a way that feels good. Incredible people always seem to find Jacq, whether they’re other members or business besties. These relationships have improved every area of my life, from a new interest in spirituality to learning how to make a sale.

Keep in mind, I’m writing this testimonial only 10 months since I first connected with Jacq and all these things have already happened! Just imagine what’ll happen next with her! If you have the chance to join the community or work with Jacq 1:1, take it. She’s an amazing human, skilled writer, and the most centered, kind supporter you’ll ever meet. I’m proud to call her my mentor.
— Emma G

Your writing keeps clients coming for years while you do the work you’re passionate about.

With clear and compelling website, emails, blog, social profiles, proposals, books and more:

  • Your prospects will click on your offers — written in language that speaks directly to their souls — they wonder, “How’d you get in my head?”

  • You’ll get on the fence lukewarm prospects clicking, subscribing, buying, or on your Zoom consults fast

1 focused month of writing, CONSULTING, editing, and strategy with your own personal writing coach

Private 1:1 copy coaching is for you if:

  • You wouldn’t call yourself a writer

  • You’re completely over online courses and 8-hour training sessions. It’s time to tune out the noise, sit down, and DO the writing — this time with personalized support

  • You have a ton of words to write, and you’re actively avoiding it — having someone to review every word you write for the next month feels like a dream

  • Your writing feels like it’s falling flat and definitely not connecting or converting

  • You want to do the work to become a better writer — helping you sell more, tell compelling stories, and connect with your readers

You’ll sit next to me, a professional copywriter and author to give you everything you need to write.

Hey, I’m Jacq

I’m an author, copywriter, and intuitive writing coach for people who want their writing to connect while feeling completely authentic.

I help them stop procrastinating and second-guessing and start writing without feeling slimy or weird.

She spots jargon and expert-speak a mile away!
— Private copy coaching client

Imagine you have a co-worker (who’s an awesome writer) sitting right next to you helping you gut check every word.

That’s exactly what you’re going to get. And I’m a pretty fun (and productive) co-worker to have.

We'll work together privately, just you and me working to overhaul, tweak, refine, and polish every sentence.

It's pretty simple.

Here’s what we can do together:

  • Strategy to get clear on your ideal clients - This will be so much more fun than any other boring client avatar work you’ve done in the past. Clients love this experience!

  • A Creative Brief - We’ll align your voice with your client’s and decide on the voice, tone, and angle of every word of your website.

  • Taglines - With my intuitive, creative brain on your business we’ll spark ideas for tags, key phrases, hooks, and a head-turning, drool-worthy tagline for your brand, service, product, or anything else that needs a witty or clear-as-quartz-one-liner.

  • Conversions Where It Counts - A landing page that grabs your potential customers and lets them know they’re in the right place.

  • A Bio You’re Proud Of - You’ll get an about page that tells your story in a way that makes people pour another glass of the good wine and want to stay up all night with you.

  • A Fun Manifesto - that lets your people know they’re in the right place, written in a way that speaks encyclopedia volumes about your mission, big dreams, and all the unique things that make you — you.

  • A Short Bio - for when only a few words will do — a podcast interview, magazine feature, intro request, blog guest post, and more.

  • Sales! You’ll get a sales page for your signature offer that makes clients want to throw all their dollars at you.

  • A Direction for Your Book - We’ll strategize on the heart of your book, how to write it, and I’ll get you going with edits.

We can also work on these intelligent extras — because details matter:

  • Calls-to-action buttons and copy that make clicking easier than grabbing a second helping of flourless chocolate cake.

  • Freebie ideas - We’ll brainstorm crave-able ideas for an opt-in your clients need

  • Email nurture sequences that keep your prospects warm and ready to buy from you

  • Content Inspiration - A year’s worth of content inspiration in your specific area of expertise — no more writer’s block, ever. Use these 52 ideas for your blog, podcast, or social posts.

  • Emails that convert - Emails to give your new email subscribers the warm fuzzies and help them fall head over heels in love with you

  • Sales sequences that sell — We can use this focused time to strategize and write the copy for your best launch ever

  • Proposals that WOW - if you’re running a service-based business, we’ll get a proposal template for you together

  • Social content that connects without feeling like silly while pointing at nothing and dancing in reels

Working with Jacq has completely changed how I write. Before I’d hesitate, overanalyze & self-edit resulting in a stifling style that didn’t match my personality at all.

Jacq helped me find my authentic voice by teaching me how to get out of my own way when I write, so the process is more intuitive & dare I say enjoyable! With her gracious, calm leadership, I’ve learned a lot and gained much-needed confidence & clarity with my writing.

She knows her stuff and brings out the best in her clients — she’s the real deal.
— Private Coaching Client


For an entire month, you get me as your personal writing coach, strategist, and mentor. 

Specifically, you get:

  • 2 x 60-minute 1-on-1 strategy calls to discuss your writing and business goals, brainstorm brilliant ideas for sales copy, content, books, and more! Whatever you want to chat about — my brain is yours. We can use this time to write together, strategize and word jam on whatever sentences you’re stuck on.

  • Reviews of ALL your writing - your sales copy, website copy, email promotions and newsletters, social media content, blogs, books, proposals, marketing materials, and more, and get suggestions on how to make all of these things more enticing. You’ll send me your copy and I’ll review it within two business days. How’s that for fast action? Note that this package doesn’t include editing for an entire book.

  • Unlimited access to me over email and Voxer (a walkie-talkie app) for all your writing questions and sticky communication situations and even to share big beautiful ideas that hit you while you’re sipping your morning coffee and download in the shower.

  • My entire library of 35+ writing templates and resources: Swipe files for your sales page, about page, home page, sales emails, social media, professional bios, proposals, content, testimonials, and so much more.

My words have literally shifted shoppers to customers that say “YES” and pay.
— Private copy coaching client

You’ll stand out in a sea of rose-gold and navy suits.

You'll also get access to the exclusive writing community: 

  • 16+ hours of quiet co-writing time for extra accountability and inspiration

  • Library of dozens of workshops on topics such as content planning, writing with nature’s rhythms, marketing beyond social media, crisis communications, getting through resistance, batching, sales conversations, intuition, and more.
    Read about the writing community here.

Investment: $2500/month

We start with one month and you can extend as you need to.

Most coaching clients finish their website copy, proposals, social copy, email nurture sequences, and more in 2-3 months. If you’re laser-focused and block 3-4 hours each week to focus on your copy, you can do it in 1 month.

If having me as your personal writing mentor and intuitive gut-checker feels like an “OMG HELLL YESSSS!”

Here’s how to get started:

Step 1: Click here to set up a 30-minute, no-obligation chat. We’ll discuss your business and writing goals, I’ll answer questions, and if you’re ready to rock, we’ll set our start date.

Step 2: We’ll set up your kick-off session and get writing!

Step 3: You’ll not only get great writing where you need it, but you’ll know how to write it — which will make all the things you need to write in your business 80000% easier (approximation).

Questions? Email me at

The templates are solid gold! And now I have all the copy I need to update my website and complete proposals and submissions with ease. The time it saves me is substantial and it’s made working with other contractors in my business so seamless because the messaging is consistent.

Working with Jacq is fun and so motivating. I struggled for months trying to write copy, and in a matter of a few weeks, I had everything I needed to move forward. You always provided helpful suggestions or questions to spark deeper thinking and insights.

Everything is at my fingertips! When I need a bio — poof, I have one. When I need a workshop summary, it’s right there. Since working with you, updating my website, submitting proposals, and applying for speaking gigs is a dream!
— Erin, Speaker, Author, and Coach
She gave a lot of feedback, but gave me space to be myself.
— Private copy coaching client