The Easy Way To Turn Your Blog Post Into an Email Newsletter

You’ve got all this fantastic, engaging content on your blog now, so you’re sending a regular newsletter to love up your audience, right?


There are many ways you can repurpose much of your content. If you create a social media post or story, you could turn these into blog posts. The opposite is true too. With a blog post, you could repurpose it into a story, podcast, or YouTube video. Your Instagram posts and Pins could drive blog and email content. You could take all of it and turn it into a book or a course. 

People often forget they can repurpose their blog posts into an email. 

You can also tease out your blog post in your email newsletter to get more clicks to your website and get your readers in the habit of clicking. Just a little taste of wine before committing to a big glass.

But people are lazy. This isn't bad — we've just got a lot going on, so make it easy for us blog readers! With most of us consuming content on our phones, we don’t want to click and leave our inboxes. We want all the goods in one place. 

One-stop shopping. The mega grocery store. Amazon Prime. Target. Get everything you need in one place.

Our email is no different.

Give me all the goodies in one tidy little email, so I don’t have to click all over town.

But I want people to visit my website still!

Well, of course. And they will as long as you’re pumping out the good stuff. And yes, you should still encourage your readers to check out your offers or read more online.

Here’s how to turn your blog posts into an email newsletter that people actually want to read: 

  1. Write a blog post people will give a sh*t about. If you're not useful or inspiring, why are you blogging?

  2. Cut and paste your entire blog post into your email.

  3. Cut and paste the first 25% of the blog into an email, edit it to fit, then invite readers to keep reading the rest and link to the blog on your website.

  4. Share an email for every 2-3 blogs you publish and link to all 3 in your newsletter.

  5. Personalize it. Add your subscriber's name, and not just at the top, but look for opportunities to weave it into the email.

  6. Sign off with an invitation. Invite your reader to share your article by clicking on the link to your blog post. Invite them to connect, to reply, to do a secret dance and tag it with a secret hashtag.

  7. Give them more. If your readers like what they read, then give them more reasons to keep reading. Suggest some other posts, interviews, books, or other places they can get their fill of YOU.

  8. Add personal touches. Depending on what your audience will love or your mood, you could add a link to the funniest video of pandas you’ve ever seen, an Instagram post of a random act of kindness, a new service you’re loving, the book on your nightstand, or even a haiku.


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Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, ghostwriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creative business owners create their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a ghostwriter and coach, she’s helped thousands of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.

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