My 3-Glasses of Wine Honest Review of Make It Work Online

(because would you expect anything else from me?)


I’m not a typical graduate of Make It Work Online (MIWO). I happened upon MIWO as one happens upon, perhaps a dream job. Stay with me here.

In 2017, I was 13 or so years into my management consulting job. I had self-published a book and was growing my copywriting business on the side. Early in 2017, I had some amazing copywriting clients and decided to (finally) leave my corporate job and dive face first into writing and fully embrace the work from home, be my own boss life.

As luck and fate would have it, at the same time I was stepping away from my 9-to-5, Make It Work Online was kicking off. I had applied to be a copywriting coach for the program, not really knowing what to expect. I happy danced til Tuesday when I got accepted, and not just because I got to help people write better. As a copywriter for the program, I got access to all the program content.

If I was going to be coaching these online entrepreneurs on their writing, I sure as heck was going to follow along so I could feel what they were feeling. Also, I was in the same spot as most of the ladies in the program were—trying to figure it all out with an online business.

Now, the clients who take the course get the real advantage. They get weekly coaching calls, support from a small, intimate group, plus, all the help and high-fives they need from the bigger group. I didn’t get this benefit. I DIY-ed my way through the course on my own, and let me just tell you, if it weren't for MIWO, I wouldn’t have had the unexpected success I had in my first several months of solopreneurship.

For this, I’m forever grateful. So, I’ll share what MIWO is, who I think will get the most out of the program, and how to know if it’s the right investment for you.


Make it Work Online — What it is:

Make It Work Online is a 12-week coaching intensive that’s part business training, part coaching, part copywriting workshop, part mastermind, and part online community focused on tons of action-taking that’s run by a team of business and copywriting coaches personally selected and hand trained by Jenny Shih. It’s for people who want to earn a full-time income doing work they love on a schedule that gives them the freedom they crave.

This isn't a buy-now-do-later program. It's a join-now-do-now with support every step of the way. Every client is assigned their own copywriter, someone I hand-picked and trained in the MIWO process who personally helps the client clarify their message, craft a killer offer, update their web copy, and put their best foot forward online.

How the coaching works inside MIWO:

It is not a DIY, build-your-business online course. Make It Work Online is much more personalized, with customized, 1-on-1 attention from the team that’s been personally trained by Jenny—it's business coaching in a group setting but specific to you and your business, not one-size-fits-all information.

MIWO helps people who run a service-based business land a steady stream of clients by focusing on the online business-building essentials—clear communication, compelling offers, and consistent, strategic action. It’s designed to give you the info and support you need so you can step up and do what it takes to make your online business work.

What makes Make It Work Online so different is the 360-degree support.

Really, no other business training compares.

  • 360-degree Support: You’ll get massive amounts of support from all sides: a team of business and copywriting coaches and a community of business owners. After working with several hundred clients, the team knows that the most effective and empowering kind of personal support consists of:

  • Business Coaching: Includes weekly group coaching calls, coaching in the private community between calls, and homework reviews.

  • Copy Coaching: Not only do the copy coaches (I’m one of them) review your drafts and give you detailed, specific suggestions for improvement. We’ll also provide copywriting tips and advice through weekly copywriting office hours.

  • Structured Peer Coaching: Members of the MIWO Community learn the team’s proprietary Structured Peer Coaching. Not only do you become more coachable, but you’ll also become a better coach!

  • The key here is ACTION. You will take action constantly. When you take action, you find clarity. I learned this in my business big time early on, which is a skill that’s served me now that I’ve been full-time in my business for four years.

 My 3-Glasses of Wine Honest Review of Make it Work Online

Make it Work Online took me at one of the scariest and most exciting points of my life—having just left my corporate job after 13 years with a goal of making my corporate income by the end of the year—a full-time six-figure income. If I didn’t make it work, I was afraid I’d have to go find another “job.” (Oh, hell no!) When I joined as a copywriting coach and enrolled in early 2017, I had a website, I’d worked with a handful of copywriting clients and started building my email list but I had a pretty basic idea (mostly assumptions) of what to do when it came to marketing, sales pages, and even copy.

Yes, as a copywriter, I write some damn good copy, but MIWO gives you the time-tested, online business owner reviewed and approved formulas to website copy, offer copy, consults, follow-ups, and more. It upped my writing game which helped me serve my clients better in return.

Make it Work Online helped me tighten my message, put together my first real offer and start making real progress in my business. I went from making between 0-$1,000/month to $5,000/month then $10,000, within NINE months of me starting the program. This is all as a direct result of the work and coaching in the program.

MIWO’s strategic, step-by-step online business-building plan, the support of the other women in the program and the personalized guidance to set realistic goals and take consistent action was exactly what I needed to make my new venture thrive.

Is MIWO for you? It depends.

How Make it Work Online works

Almost every week for the 12 weeks of the program, you get a new lesson that teaches an essential business-building concept. You get access to the lesson and then complete a very targeted, no-fluff assignment.

Then, you submit your assignment to get personalized feedback from one of the copywriting pros (someone like me!) so you can be confident you’re putting your best foot forward online.

Here are some assignments you can expect:

  • Crafting your summary statement/elevator pitch so you can finally explain what you do in plain English with confidence

  • Writing copy for an offer that will sell itself

  • Writing your About page (the hardest page on your website to write!)

  • Writing your home page,and other pages on your website so your ideal client can’t wait to hire you

  • Creating an opt-in offer, copy, and squeeze page to build your email list while you drink lattes

Most weeks, there’s a group coaching call where the business coaches personally answers questions you have about your assignment or your business.

In MIWO, you learn, take action, get feedback, get coaching, and keep moving forward.

The action part is what makes MIWO different from any other business building course—I’ve taken a few and this is the ONLY one I recommend.

Every day of the program, Monday through Friday, you’ll find the coaching team in the private online forum every day, so you never have to stay stuck.


Make it Work Online is perfect for you if:

  • You have an online, service-based business

  • You’re struggling to find the right people and convert them into paying clients.

  • You have a pretty good idea of what you want to do and have a published website (even if it’s bare-bones right now

  • You have a bunch of unfinished online courses, free PDFs you’ve never even looked at, and your calendar is filled with free webinars—but you still aren’t seeing results

  • You’ve been itching to quit your 9-to-5 and just need a plan before you can make it happen

Make it Work Online is NOT for you if:

  • You’re not sure what kind of business you want and have way too many ideas in your head

  • You’re not ready to dedicate time every single week. I’ve seen some successful clients block off three hours each week to learn and do the work

  • Want a magic bullet? But you already know the magic bullets are hanging out with the unicorns.

I’ll be there, too as part of the MIWO Copy Coaching Team!

You know I believe in doing the work, so I’d never tell you about a magic bullet. Make it Work Online is not a secret sauce, or get rich quick scheme or the only program, course or coaching you’ll ever need in your business.

A successful business takes time to build and you’ll be A LOT further along after 3 months in Make it Work Online (and set up with a 6-month plan to follow after that!) but you can’t expect to go from 0 to 6 figures in 6 weeks.

Once you’ve nailed the fundamentals from Make it Work Online, you’ll be ready to move on to more advanced business growth strategies.

Make It Work Online (MIWO) 2021: the mother of all MIWO referral affiliate offers

If you join Make It Work Online through me, you get a bunch of amazing stuff from me, absolutely free. I may earn a commission if you apply and join through me.

Frequently Asked Questions about Make it Work Online

Here are a few of the most frequent questions I get about Make it Work Online. If you don’t see yours or are still wondering about your unique situation, email me at and I’ll respond with my honest thoughts within a day or two.

When does enrollment open?

Enrollment is ongoing — learn more and sign up here

What’s the investment?

$4700. There are generous payment plans available too.

What’s the difference between B-School and MIWO?

Make it Work Online isn't like ANY of the online courses I've taken (B-School included) because it's so much more personalized and with real, 1-on-1 attention from the MIWO coaching team—it's business coaching in a group setting but specific to you and your business.

I took B-School back in 2013. While it was the first time I had made a big investment in myself, and I made the money back within a few months, it was self-paced and not tailored to my business. I took B-School when I had a food-related business, so I totally switched gears.

I loved B-School and made some business BFFs I still talk to today, but when I signed up I had no business-building background, a website in a totally different industry, and several other ideas for businesses. B-School gave me the basic business knowledge I needed and the connection to an inspiring community of other women just like me (that I definitely did not have in my life AND had no idea even existed).

B-School set the stage and gave me a solid foundation, and MIWO helped me build on the foundation with ridiculous amounts of action.

Clearly, I’m a raving fan of Make it Work Online because it had a huge impact on my business at a time when I NEEDED it to work or I’d have to go back to get just another job.

In Make it Work Online, you’ll finally dig into your ideal client, their language, what offerings they’ll line up to buy from you and how to get paying clients in the door.

Having the MIWO team there to support you personally for 3 months will change your business and your life.

I wouldn't change my decision to take B-School because it was the first time I made a big investment in myself, but MIWO gave me much bigger results for my business.

UPDATE: MIWO is currently Closed.

Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, ghostwriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creative business owners create their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a ghostwriter and coach, she’s helped thousands of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.

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