FREE Co-Writing & Chill Sessions

The most productive 2 hours of writing you’ll have this month

Writing is a solo activity — but it doesn’t have to feel lonely.

Tap into the power of online community to get into the writing flow.

These online co-writing sessions are just a teensy taste of what goes on inside The Intuitive Writing School community, where we’ve been getting our writing done in together since 2018.

Sure, we’re probably biased, but here’s why we love co-writing together.

Why Co-writing & Chill is awesome:

Writing while you virtually gather with others with similar goals will help you feel inspired, give you momentum, and help you feel energized by what you could create when you focus on one task for 2 hours.

As the name suggests, we’re CHILL. This isn’t a critique group and this isn’t about hitting a word count goal. This is about focusing two solid hours on a writing project we care about.

What it really does?

Plugs those energy leaks from all those things you’re not writing.

  • No matter how many productivity systems you’ve tried

  • No matter how often you block your calendar

  • No matter how early you try to get up

Give your writing project the focus and attention it deserves.

It’s a double-shot of espresso for your writing practice.

How Online Co-Writing Sessions Work

  • For the first few minutes, we’ll gather (Zoom, audio only), I’ll chat about how it will work, and lead the group in a quick writing exercise with a prompt to help clear your mind and warm up your writing muscles to get the words flowing.

  • You’ll write quietly, working on whatever you desire until the top of the hour.

  • You’ll tap into the collective energy and find flow in whatever you’re working on — some call it magic, I call it intuitive writing.

  • I’ll check in halfway through to see how it’s going.

  • During the last 5 minutes, we’ll wrap up and celebrate what we accomplished

💫 You have to experience the magic for yourself 💫

Jacqueline Fisch in a black dress leaning near a window

Hi, I’m Jacqueline Fisch, a ghostwriter, intuitive writing coach, and author.

I’ll be your guide for your most productive writing session ever (yes, I’m that confident you’ll love it).

Solid writing habits are what’s behind a large body of writing work I’m proud of:

  • A decade of consistent blog posts (hello, SEO!)

  • Several years of regular social posting and email newsletters

  • Two self-published books and a third in the works

  • Websites that continue to serve my business and private ghostwriting work

  • Countless websites, emails, blogs, freebies, and social posts for hundreds of clients

Even with homeschooled kids in competitive sports, several moves across the US, and making time for rest, play, and, you know — having a life beyond the screen.

All because I started going with the flow and finding pure joy in the writing process. I can’t wait for you to experience the same with co-writing together.

I can’t wait to write with you!

Meet your facilitator

These are the ONLY free sessions happening in 2024

September Co-Writing Sessions are FULL

All times below are Eastern Time

  • Session 1: Thursday, September 5, 12-2 pm

  • Session 2: Friday, September 6, 10 am - 12 pm

  • Session 3: Monday, September 9, 2-4 pm

  • Session 4: Wednesday, September 11, 10 am - 12 pm

Let’s stay in touch

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