15 Writing Prompts for Manifesting with Mercury Retrograde

I love taking a good writing prompt and seeing where it will lead. When Mercury is retrograde, though, it might make our big dreams look fuzzy.

While many people like to blame Mercury retrograde for breaking their tech and messing with air travel, there’s actually a huge opportunity if you look for it.

Mercury Retrograde is when Mercury seems to travel backward for a few weeks. Now, planets don’t really move backward — they only appear that way from our eyes on Earth.

To us, it looks like it’s slowing down. This is only an illusion since the Earth circles the Sun at a different speed than other planets.

Mercury is the planet that rules communication, and its retrograde can make some of us feel like we’re thick in the mist, making manifesting in our business feel sluggish and dull.

Mercury rules how we observe and interpret details from our environment and how we express them to others. It affects things like articulating, mediating, buying and selling, listening, contracts, and travels. So when Mercury appears to stall out, these areas can also look lazy from the outside.

Some astrologers recommend avoiding signing contracts, making big decisions, or launching a new business venture because changes are more likely if Mercury is retrograde. Sometimes, though, we just can’t avoid it. If I’m scheduling a trip, signing a big contract, or starting something new around this time, I give myself extra time to review it with an extra close eye.

And when it comes to starting new businesses or ideas, if you create something during mercury retrograde, know it might change. This is a good thing. As we know, everything changes, so as long as we’re going with the flow, trust that any shifts your project undergoes are necessary to help serve you and your most aligned purpose.

Mercury Retrograde happens up to four times each year, and it’s absolutely not something to fear.

typewriter with the word "Goals" typed on the white sheet of paper

I enjoy Mercury Retrograde season now because it gives me an opportunity to revisit my goals.

I use it to revisit all my writing, including old blog posts, book chapters, and anything I’ve published in the past. It might call for fresh inspiration, tweaks, or even a total overhaul.

For writers and creative business owners, Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity to REview, REvise, and REevaluate their big dreams.

2025 mercury retrograde dates

  • March 14 to April 6

  • July 17 to August 10

  • November 9 to 29

Here are 15 powerful writing prompts for your Mercury Retrograde reflection and looking ahead to what you’ll manifest next.

Take a look at this list and choose a few to free-write on, or take these prompts to your morning pages practice.

  1. What were your most magical moments of the past few months? Take a peek through your journal, planner, or calendar to see what stands out.

  2. What were your dreams this time last year?

  3. What areas have you grown the most in over the past year? Celebrate your progress.

  4. Where did you find inspiration in the past few weeks?

  5. What risks have you taken in the past few months?

  6. What fears might still be holding you back?

  7. Choose 1–3 big life goals.

  8. Choose 1–3 big business goals.

  9. Detail how you’ll feel when you reach each goal.

  10. What do you see, hear, taste, and even smell while you’re going after each of your big goals?

  11. What reasons (or excuses) do you have for not reaching those goals yet?

  12. Brainstorm a list of actions you’ll take to start making progress toward one goal.

  13. Imagine you get to go back in time — what message do you have for your younger self? What about the version of you who’s just starting your business?

  14. What does your big business goal need from you? More concentration, devotion, focus, commitment?

  15. Where were you feeling fired up, mad, or passionate over the past few months?

Take your responses to your writing prompts and tuck them away for a few days or a few weeks. Revisit them when Mercury goes direct and see where you have some new clarity.

Intuitive Writing Tip: Be sure you’re not procrastinating with writing prompts. Writing prompts are launching points for writing more.

Want to keep digging deeper? Play with some of these next:

Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, ghostwriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creative business owners create their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a ghostwriter and coach, she’s helped thousands of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.


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