The Single (and Simple) Thing Your Writing Is Missing

If your focus is elsewhere, your satisfaction will be elsewhere too

You just finished writing your latest blog post, freebie, or newsletter to your tribe. It took you roughly 3 days, 2.75 hours, and 45 minutes scrolling Instagram. Oh, and you paused to answer a phone call too.

You’re looking over your writing and you feel so, meh about the whole thing.

What’s it missing?

Why doesn’t it feel quite right?

What else could you add? Did you add too much and now you need to dial it back and trim some out.

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but something simply isn’t right.

You’re not 100% satisfied with your writing.

Unless you gave your work 100% of your dedication, focus, and intention, you’re not going to feel satisfied.

What did you eat for lunch? What about dinner last night?

Do you remember?

How much did you enjoy it? Were you completely satisfied with your meal?

Yes — good for you! I’m guessing you gave your meal your full attention.


My next question for you is, what were you doing while you were eating?

If your answer is anything other than eating then no wonder you could barely recall the details and weren’t at all satisfied.

The same goes for your writing. If your focus is elsewhere, your satisfaction will be elsewhere too.

Your writing is missing your intention.

We need to write more like the French.

Unless you’re French, then carry on! Long before my first (and most recent) trip to Paris 10 years ago, I knew the French did things differently. They enjoy their bread, their wine, their cobblestone streets, their espresso, their sex.

In a land that’s steeped in history, where dinners last 4 hours, and where wine is cheaper than water, imagine if you wrote your next blog post with the relentless intention of the French.

Imagine what you could create if flipped your phone to airplane mode during your next writing session.

Imagine how in love with your next sales page you’d be if you closed your 222 browser windows and just wrote the dang thing.

Imagine how much your about page will make you smile if you turned off the Netflix, and committed the next hour to writing.

Imagine how it will feel to be satisfied, and even delighted with your work?

Now that’s worth your undivided attention.

All this talk of French food and wine have you craving a meal? You might like this:

Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, ghostwriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creative business owners create their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a ghostwriter and coach, she’s helped thousands of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.

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