Encouraging Words to Keep Going on Your Big Writing Project

"This memoir was actually right on time for me. It felt very close to home in some ways, so I am very appreciative of the opportunity to proof it."

My 3-year book project is coming to a close. I received the above piece of feedback from my editor’s proofreader back in the fall.

When you’re working on a big project, it’s so easy to forget where you’re going. 

In a world where we expect instant gratification and want things done quickly, I once had a goal of publishing a short book every year. Well, that hasn’t happened since the mini-book I published in 2015. 

There’s something to be said about a big project. A beast of a project that’s there, on your mind, maybe even for years before you put it out into the world. 

If I published the book right after writing that first draft, it wouldn’t have been right. I’m grateful it took a long time — a little over three years, to be exact.

I’m grateful for the dream I had last year when I felt myself sinking into my bed. The dream that shook me in the middle of the night was a reminder. 

This is the knowing I woke up with that morning:

Finish the book. 

You have to write. 

Your writing is healing — heal with your words.

I had every intention of publishing the book in 2020 — to honor my 40th birthday. 

And then, well, you know how 2020 went. I shifted my focus to supporting others first.

Then, I planned to publish it in March 2021. And then, I moved from New Jersey to Florida. While at first, I wanted to be disappointed in myself — I know it will come out when it’s supposed to. 

Giving myself some grace — moving across (or down) the country is no joke. Even if I’ve had some practice.

I’m also doing something I haven’t done yet — publicly declaring when it’ll be available. 

April 12, 2021

Aligning with the new moon in Aries. As a Libra with an Aries rising, this feels like a perfect time as any.

Soon, you’ll get to peep at the cover and pre-order it. (Update: find it HERE!)

I’m holding the proof as I sit and write this now. There are a few tiny tweaks I’m making, and then it’s ready for you. 

I’m so excited to get this big project out of my head and heart and into your hands. 

I know that all those “delays” happened for me. They happened because this book is intended to be on a shelf in 2021. 

2020 showed us how to handle change when it’s thrown at us. 

2021 is about choosing change. 

While I still hear the voice of my inner critic saying crap like, “No one wants to read this book,” and “Who do you think you are?” I’m giving that voice the middle finger. 

When I received the final edits back from my editor, I was still worried (mostly about it needing a lot more work).

Here's what she started off with...

"When I think about where this book was when I first read the manuscript and where it is now, I honestly get shivers. The good kind. Every time I challenged you to dig deeper and give your readers more, you came back with absolute treasure. The book feels whole to me now – ready."

I’m sharing this with you today as a friendly nudge or swift kick in the ass (whatever you need most) to keep going on your big project. 

 It might take ten times longer than you hope. And it’ll be worth it.

If you’re working on a big project and want an introvert-friendly community to get it done, The Intuitive Writing School Community is for you. It’s also where I finished the book — in community.

Normally, I’d share additional articles for you to read, but if you’re procrastinating on your big project, that’s the last thing you need.

Instead — use the next 10 minutes to do a little work on your big project. It matters.

Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, copywriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creatives move past writer’s block and perfectionism so they can finish their important work, and she supports business owners in finding their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a freelance copywriter and coach, she’s helped hundreds of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.


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