Don’t Create Struggle Just Because You See Other People Struggling

You may know that I’m a copywriting coach in an online business building program called Make It Work Online. Sure, I’m biased because I'm a copy coach in the program—but I think it’s the best training program for starting your business online because it worked for my business.

The 2018 session just wrapped and oh man, was it incredible. This was my second year as a copywriting coach in the program. This means I get to help Make It Work Online clients improve their writing and learn how to use their client’s words so they can craft relatable, killer copy that sells.

It’s a boat-load of fun. This session just wrapped with a live, in-the-flesh retreat in Corvallis, Oregon, and as I write this to you on the plane ride home, WiFi off, my head and my heart are full. And not just because I finally got to meet Jenny, the coaching team, and the MIWO clients in the flesh! 

With so much of my work (and maybe yours too?) happening between a keyboard, getting out and talking to people in real life feels so good. After two fun and fantastic days of connecting, laughing, learning, crying, and upleveling, all the coaches had a day with our business coach and extraordinary leader, Jenny Shih.

Jenny told us to come to the session knowing what we wanted to get out of it. For a week I had no clue what to ask. I had no idea what I needed help with.

Since leaving my corporate job in 2017, I’ve grown a successful online copywriting and coaching business largely in part to doing the work in the Make It Work Online program, applying everything I’ve learned since earning my first corporate dollar 13 years ago, and just putting my head down and getting shit done.

In the online business space, I hear about so many business owners who are struggling, frustrated or overwhelmed. Often entrepreneurs might have hang-ups around pricing or even just putting themselves out there.

I had no idea what to ask Jenny. If you’ve ever heard her give her straight-talk, no BS, and also from a good place, I was craving some of that clarity.

What I asked her and the coaching team (among a bunch of other things), was this...

Things are going well, I love my clients, I enjoy the variety of work, I’m fully booked, I’m earning a great living, and I get to pick my kids up from school every day.

But what’s next?

I had been toying with a few ideas for a service I’ve been really itching to offer, so I threw them out to the group.

That sounds awesome, do it! They all said.

I’m thinking, “Just like that, why is it so easy?” So I posed another question back to the group—I’ve watched people breakdown and breakthrough, struggle and come out the other side, it seems so hard, and we all have our own brand of junk show to deal with, but I don’t feel stuck, scared, or struggling, does that mean I’m not pushing myself hard enough?”

What Jenny said next felt like a big exhale.

I’m paraphrasing here, but Jenny said something along the lines of this...

You don’t need to create struggle just because you see other people struggling.

Holy shit. From seeing all these business owners getting frustrated, and hearing them talk about giving up and feeling stuck and broken, I was trying to find my own personal struggle story when there wasn't one.

And it was a big waste of time! When it was time to build my business, I took the tools I knew how to use and did one thing at a time. There was no drama, no whining, no skipping steps, just doing the work. There may have been bits and pieces of procrastination in there.

When those words left Jenny’s mouth, my shoulders dropped, and I sighed.

I haven’t been struggling as a copywriter, and I sure as hell don’t need to struggle now.

It can (and should) feel easy and fun. I get to do work that’s freaking fun. My clients are seriously the best. And I’m working on a new project that will bring even MORE fun and ease to my business. It’s totally possible and I can’t wait to tell you more.

For now though, I’m going to catch up on some notes and sleep.

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Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, ghostwriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creative business owners create their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a ghostwriter and coach, she’s helped thousands of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.

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