8 Fun Reasons To Write Like a MOFO


I recently did the math on how many hours I’ve logged hosting wildly fun and productive writing marathons that happen inside my writing community.

In the past several months, I’ve hosted:

  • 40+ writing marathons

  • That’s 125+ hours of momentum, productivity, and getting writing projects finished and out into the world

And beyond the writing marathons, in less than a year I’ve also held more than 50 one-on-one writing and strategy feedback sessions.

And the best part — I freaking love coaching business owners on their writing.

When I get to pop open a piece of writing from another business owner and help shape it into something even more potent than it was when it started.

And with 125+ hours spent coaching MOFO writers, here are some reasons why MOFO Writers say they love it:

1. Borrowed momentum.
You know when you’re hanging out with people who make you feel so good that you just want to be around them all the time? It’s like that. MOFO Writers tell me that sometimes they come to a writing session with no clue and even no desire to write anything at all. And then they see the other entrepreneurs getting down to business and suddenly, their momentum is fired up and they’re off and writing.

2. Feedback.
And not just the input that MOFO Writers get on their own piece of writing. By listening and learning about the feedback others receive on their copy, they learn. They learn more than they ever realized they needed to know. And the feedback is fast. MOFO Writers come to a session with a blank page and with focused writing time, they can press pause and get precise feedback to keep them moving.

3. Online courses can only take you so far.
Everyone inside the community is there because they know that to get ahead they need to do the work. Sit down, write, publish, tweak, repeat. Sitting alone on your couch in front of your laptop devouring all the freebies and $199 courses on the planet can only take you so far. Action is the best and most effective way to make progress on your growing business. MOFOs know this.

4. Community.
The Write Like a MOFO community is intimate and supportive. It’s a community where members don’t feel guilty if they’re not in there posting, and it’s not one where everyone relies on a leader to keep them going. There are some big brains in here and getting those big brains on YOUR writing when you’re stuck is pure gold.

5. Dedicated writing time.
Some MOFO Writers tell me that the ONLY time they do the writing they need to do for their business is during our Writing Marathons and Co-Writing Sessions. And if they book an optional 1:1 meeting with me, you can bet that they’re going to come with some writing done.

6. Accountability.
When it’s time to sit down and write a blog post or write your website copy, it can be too easy to click away from your Google Doc and wander off into Facebook land and ignore your writing. When you’re in a live video call with up to 10 other business owners who are sitting down to focus and do the work, and you’re going to report back on what you’ve accomplished, you can bet that you’ll get your writing DONE.

7. An editor in your back pocket.
Write Like a MOFO members get copy reviewed on up to 2,000 words of copy each month. And this is in addition to however much we can cover on a 1:1 session or during a writing marathon. MOFO Writers let me know when there’s some copy ready, and within 48 hours, they get private feedback on their writing to keep them moving in the right direction.

8. Variety of businesses.
The perspective that comes from the variety of businesses and the owners themselves helps give each and every member a fresh perspective. And it’s not something you can get inside of any free Facebook group full of randos and whoever else the group owner lets in. Here are some of the business types you’ll find inside the Write Like a MOFO community:

  • Natural skin care products

  • Productivity coach

  • Intuitive coach

  • Brand Designers

  • Business coaches

  • Money coaches

  • Financial planners

  • Marketing coaching

  • Publisher

  • Life coaches

  • Website developers and tech consultants

  • Speakers

  • Authors

  • Sex therapist

  • Mastermind facilitators

  • Bookkeeper

How’s that for a variety of badass business owners?


It will help you feel inspired, give you momentum, and help you feel energized by what you could create when you focus on one task for two hours. You’ll be able to get ahead, giving you more time for getting clients, making sales, client work, and other business-building activities.


Great question. Here’s just a sampling of all the things business owners have written inside the writing marathons:

  • 6 blog posts outlines

  • 4 blog posts

  • Social media copy for every day of the week for all their blog content

  • Newsletters

  • Welcome email sequences

  • A free download, opt-in, freebies

  • Books

  • Sales pages

  • About pages

  • Website copy

  • Podcast intros

  • Podcast pitches

  • Bios

  • Webinar promotions

  • Squeeze pages

  • Opt-in button copy

  • Online course copy

  • Thank you page copy

  • Launch copy for memberships

  • Work with me pages

  • Testimonials

  • Surveys for course takers and past clients

  • Product descriptions

  • Facebook ad copy

  • And so much more!

Just like a marathon, MOFO Writers take breaks as they like, unplug, grab a coffee, a smoothie, Pellegrino, mute the call, and come back as they’re ready. Writers can also tune out or leave the discussion while they enjoy some head-down writing time.


It’s a great way to write a lot of copy quickly. And if you post to your blog and email your newsletter subscribers once a week, all you’ll need to do is review, edit, and post when it’s time to publish. When you spend a few focused hours on a similar task, you can go deeper than if you were bouncing around from idea to idea or task to task.

The members inside the Write Like a MOFO community are a rad bunch of humans.

The community is always open.

Want in? Join us here.

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Jacqueline Fisch

Jacqueline Fisch is an author, ghostwriter, writing coach, and the founder of The Intuitive Writing School. She helps creative business owners create their authentic voice so they can make an impact on the world.

Before launching her writing and coaching business, Jacq spent 13 years working in corporate communications and management-consulting for clients including Fortune 500 companies and the US government. As a ghostwriter and coach, she’s helped thousands of clients — tech startups, life and business coaches, creatives, and more — learn how to communicate more authentically and stand out in a busy online world.

After moving 14 times in 20 years, she’s decided that home is where the people are. She finds home with her husband, two kids, a dog, a cat, and a few houseplants hanging on by a thread.


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